Artist's Statement
For more than four decades my mission and goal has remained steadfast. The goals simply put are to search for what has not yet been seen, to do surprising things with what has been seen, and to reveal these efforts in an uncompromising and aesthetic way.

John Evans 1968
Initially, my goals were to simply carve wood in such a way as to create an illusion with the process itself. Almost as if I had just twisted the wood into its new form by hand instead of carving it.
These explorations evolved into various themes. The basis is to continue and be a part of our ongoing interest in communicating to one another visually. The primary elements are the capturing of motion in time, emotional expression, and investigating the potential of two dimensional ideas in three dimensional space.
As I continue my creative quest, I find myself more and more fascinated by both the individualistic and repetitious aspects of the ancient and modern visual vocabularies.

--- John Evans, Sculptor.